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for WGAW
Board of Directors




Thanks to all the members who attended Candidates Night on August 29th. It's great seeing members getting involved in the guild. Our solidarity is what got us a 96.3% strike vote last year, which we used to secure a new contract - and that is awesome! But we live in an increasingly anti-union/pro-corporation environment pushed by the current regime. Unions are under attack in this country. So we're going to have to work even harder, and make sure all members' voices are heard, in order to get the deal we want in the next MBA to avoid a strike. Solidarity is our strength.




As a lower/mid-level writer, I’ve experienced, along with many of you, the mid-level drought: you don’t have a high enough title to be among the first offers, but you're also not an inexpensive Staff Writer anymore, so you sit out a season. Or you’re asked to repeat Staff Writer again. I know firsthand how these setbacks can handicap your career trajectory, prevent your ability to buy a house, have a family, and prepare for retirement. That’s why I’m running for WGA Board. 


I want to give lower/mid-level writers a stronger voice on the WGA Board to help resolve these issues. I’m in a unique position to champion our needs to WGA leadership from my years of Guild service, which have included: 


  • Serving as Co-Chair of both the LGBTQ+ Committee and the Genre Committee. In addition to that, I also serve on CAP, the Board-appointed committee that advises the Board on related policies to ensure their success. 

  • Creating the Genre Committee’s Mash-Up Event, which puts Guild members into writers’ rooms for an evening with experienced showrunners – creating connections, sharing experiences and fostering mentorship.

  • Organizing and moderating the annual TV staffing panel in the spring, bringing together a variety of showrunners to share their experiences and give valuable insight into what they look for when staffing their writers rooms.

  • Moderating the annual summer pitch panel, where veteran showrunners shared their knowledge and experience with less practiced writers on how to pitch their projects to potential partners/buyers.

  • Coordinating “Meet & Greet” events for the Latino Writers Committee and the LGBTQ+ Committee – getting diverse writers in front of executives. These events have led to many writers getting studio meetings and actual work. 


This consistent service has allowed me to experience how the Guild works. If elected, I’ll bring this knowledge base as well as intense dedication, focus and energy to my work on the board to help our membership thrive. 


To that end, there are three things we need to eliminate in order to improve lower/mid-level writer’s careers: 


  • Repeating Staff Writer after you’ve completed 23 episodes.

  • Staff Writers not getting paid for scripts. 

  • Staff Writer studio-forced paper teaming.


To do this, lower-level writers need agency and a strong voice on the board. 


Diverse mid-level writers face additional challenges in their careers. They often suffer from a lack of employment after their staff writer season or diversity program ends, despite the Guild’s successful Writers Access Program and several studio initiatives. 


There’s a lot of work to be done for midlevel TV writers, especially diverse ones. Through the programs I’ve produced within the guild’s various committees, I’ve set out to be part of the solution. Now we need to take it to the next level, which could include:


  • One-On-One Mentoring. I’ve learned that fellow writers want to discover and hear more diverse voices. The Guild should initiate a mentoring program where higher-level writers mentor mid-level, and mid-level writers mentor lower-level. It’s a pay-it-forward ideology that will connect more writers with each other.

  • Writer Shadowing Program. Available to TV writers who have not worked in over a season - and feature writers looking to break into TV - this program would allow a writer to shadow a TV room for a week. This is not working for free; this is observing, learning and making new connections. We could even discuss this in the next MBA to make it –

  • One-Week Paid Writer Residence. This program would allow a writer who has not worked in a season to be eligible to be hired on a show for one week to add their voice to the room, make connections, and be paid the minimum WGA weekly rate. This would allow a room/showrunner to have a fresh voice in the room, which could lead to new relationships, staffing or freelance opportunities.


These are a few of the ideas I have to help members create connections and get work opportunities.

Beyond this, we, as writers, need to recognize that our audiences are becoming more diverse every year. That means our writers rooms need to be just as diverse in order to create content that speaks with authentic voices to better engage what will soon be the majority of the population. Increased viewership means more money: inclusion makes good business sense. As a board member, I will continue to advocate for more inclusive writers rooms to move this important business practice forward.


My passion for WGA writers doesn’t end with lower/mid-level and diversity issues. There are more aspects of the Guild’s purview I will champion to foster a sustainable writing career for all:


  • Continuing the hard work the Guild has done in pushing for New Media coverage – not just the Netflixes, but all new programming platforms. This includes Facebook, Oath (formerly Verizon’s Go90), and the Apple deal the guild made this summer – so that they all pay Guild minimums and contribute to our Health and Pension. 

  • Expanding and promoting global employment for our members by securing more international signatories. This will provide more opportunities for work and benefit not only seasoned TV writers, but also feature writers transitioning into TV.

  • Building our solidarity as a Guild in between MBA negotiations through outreach and organizing the membership.


As a board member, I will take my experience, passion and years of Guild service to the next level. I have the temperament and the expectations to get the hard and unglamorous work done for writers of all levels. In these turbulent times, it’s vital that the board has representation from every part of its membership, so we can cultivate effective communication, stay united, and maintain solidarity. 


Thank you for your consideration.








Marjorie David*°, Vice President

Board member: 2012-2016

Former Board Nominating Committee

Co-Chair, Committee Advisory Panel

Former Negotiating Committee

Co-Chair, Board Subcommittee On Sexual Harassment


Aaron Mendelsohn* , Treasurer

Board member, 2004-2012, 2014-2015
Secretary-Treasurer, 2015 –
Negotiating Committee, 2004, 2007, 2017 (ex officio)


Zoanne Clack*°


Courtney Ellinger*




Nancy De Los Santos


Shawn Ryan*


Thania St. John



* Negotiating Committee,

recent or former

° Show and/or Strike Captain,

recent or former





Michelle Amor

Co-Chair, Committee of Black Writers
Committee Advisory Panel


Steve Chivers

Chair/Vice-Chair, Career Longevity Committee 

Committee Advisory Panel


Daniel Dominguez

Former Latino Writer's Committee, Vice-Chair, Co-Chair, Chair


Douglas Eboch

Co-Chair of Activities Committee 


Maria Escobedo

Former Chair, Latino Writers Committee


Jason Gavin° 

Chair, Native American & Indigenous Writers Committee


Gary Goldstein

Co-chair, LGBTQ+ Writers Committee
Committee Advisory Panel


Hilliard Guess

Vice-Chair, Committee of Black Writers
Vice-Chair, The Education Committee
Former Vice-Chair, LGBTQ+ Committee


Dwayne Johnson-Cochran† 

Founder/Co-Chair Genre Committee

Luisa Leschin

Former Vice-Chair, Latino Writers Committee


Christiana Miller

Former Co-Chair, Committee of Women Writers


Suzan Olson Davis

Former Co-Chair, Committee of Women Writers


Cynthia Riddle

Former Vice-Chair, Committee of Women Writers
Former Committee Advisory Panel


Maria Elena Rodriguez

Former Vice-Chair Latino Writers Committee

Former Vice-Chair Committee of Women Writers


Chelsea Steiner

Vice-Chair, LGBTQ+ committee


Danny Tolli° 

Co-Chair, Latino Writers Committee




Cameron Alexander

Sabrina Almeida

Davah Avena


Simran Baidwan° 

Elias Benavidez°

Josh Berman

Tawnya Bhattacharya

Brusta Brown

Victor Bumbalo

Julie Bush° 


Deborah Calla

Jim Campolongo

Tyron Carter

Natalie Chaidez

Alessia Costantini

Carter Covington


Hadi Nicholas Deeb

Alan DiFiore

Jeff Dix

Margaret Dunlap

Ava DuVernay


Tom Farrell

Christopher Fife

Ruth Fletcher Gage

Robert Forman°


Christos Gage

Omaira Galarza

Kevin Garnett

Valentina Garza

Roger Grant° 

Drew Greenberg

Josh Greenberg

Paul Grellong° 

David Grubstick


Cole Haddon

Seth Harrington

D. Harrington Miller

Haley Harris

Richard Hatem

Jim Head

Tiffany Ho

Gillian Horvath

Kristine Huntley


Andrea Janakas


Paul Keables

Jack Kenny

Neville Kiser

Ken Kristensen°

Miranda Kwok


Hallie Lambert

Niceole Levy° 

Cameron Litvack

Marcos Luevanos° 


Jim Macak

Luther Mace° 

Donald Martin

Chris Masi

Terry Matalas

Addison McQuigg

Diana Mendez

Brian Millikin

Ubah Mohamed

Jose Molina


Michael Narducci° 

Judalina Neira° 

Beverly Neufeld

Rasheed Newson

Anupam Nigam° 


Jaime Paglia

Michelle Paradise

Kase Pena

Don Perez

Ken Pisani


Rashad Raisani° 

Jorge Ramirez-Martinez

Dailyn Rodriguez° 


Chitra Sampath° 

Naren Shankar

Keto Shimizu

John Alan Simon

Victoria Stewart


John Todd

Theo Travers° 


Ray Utarnachitt°


Ligiah Villalobos

Dan Vining


Eric Wallace*°

MW Wilson

Robert Wolfe

Roger Wolfson


Paula Yoo


Stan Zimmerman




* Negotiating Committee,

recent or former

° Show and/or Strike Captain,

recent or former





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